I could have finished my sock this weekend but that would have meant there would have been so many other things I couldn't have done. It's all about priorities. Saturday was a beautiful day and we went as a family to tag our Christmas tree. Here's our tree in it's natural state. It will look a lot different in a few weeks.

On Sunday, I taught my girlfriend, Claudia, to knit. I've been putting this off for years. I love Claudia and I think she's an amazing woman but I never saw her as a knitter. She has decided, however, that she wants to knit a scarf for her elderly father for Christmas. She bought some wonderful wool/alpaca yarn and Brittany needles at a local yarn shop and I provided the instruction. She was a great student and I have all the faith in the world that she'll become a good knitter (or at least finish this scarf).
So I could have finished my scarf on Sunday but I helped bring another knitter into the world.
Today was filled with dentist appointments and shopping with the boys for new sneakers and boots (ugh, I'd rather be at the dentist than the mall with the boys). Finally, I came home to my almost finished sock and kitchenered the toe. The weather is not great for photography right now and I really wanted to capture this yarn and pattern but this photo will have to do for now.
Here's a close up of the Eye of Partridge heel. This wasn't the heel called for in the pattern but I think it looks nice with both the pattern and yarn.

I decided to knit the foot of the sock plain because I didn't really care for the arrow part of the pattern. I'm not very fond of patterned legs and plain feet but I think it looks fine on this sock. The Seacoast Handpaints was a dream to knit with. It is sooo soft and cushy, not at all splitty. I can't wait to cast on for the second sock tonight.
At some point, I'll have to get that second Trekking sock started too. I just need a push.