Monday, December 31, 2007

Last day of 2007

New Years Snow

So, it's the last day of 2007. I've been trying to decide if I wanted to post a reflective year end recap kind of post and decided against it. 2007 has been an interesting year for my family. Interesting - that's just the word I was looking for. My father died in January, Oldest Boy broke his arm in February and then became a teenager in April, same boy broke his arm in June and we're now awaiting word on whether or not he needs surgery on his ankle, we had a chunk of our home renovated, there was lots and lots of baseball and soccer and football played. We've been almost frantically busy at times. We also came into a nice little inheritance and were able to pay for our renovations, buy season ski passes for the boys, and pay off our credit card and medical debts. It's been a full and interesting year.

Odo - sigh

We woke up to snow yet again this morning. By noon we should have passed the record set sometime in the 1800s for the most snow in December. It's like a winter wonderland out there. Everyone in our family is getting to spend the last day of 2007 just as they would like to. Mr. Baseball took the two older boys and a neighbor friend skiing, Youngest Boy and his best bud are hanging at our house playing without the interference of big brothers, and I'm still in my jammies hanging out on the computer. I couldn't be happier. Even Odysseus gets to spend his day hanging around without anyone picking him up and carrying him around like a rag doll.

Tomorrow I may update with some WIP photos before we leave for vacation.

I wish you all a very happy New Year. May 2008 be filled with peace and joy for you and your families.