Sunday, October 08, 2006

If you can't knit ...

Bake. Apple pie cooling on the back deck. Mmmmmm

When you live in New England, you live for weekends like this one. The fall leaves are all in bloom, the air is crisp and clean, you can smell woodsmoke in the air, and the days have surprisingly warm temperatures.

Yesterday, we spent most of the day at soccer and baseball games. It was a glorious day to be outside and there were victories all around. After a quick lunch, we headed out to the apple orchard where we picked 2 bushels of apples.

Half of the apples are for eating and the other half are for cooking. This morning I made a small batch of applesauce with the apples we picked a couple of weeks ago and I made an apple pie with apples we picked yesterday. I have many, many more pies to make and many, many more jars of applesauce to freeze.

Last night, although we were exhausted (in the very good, full day kind of way) my husband and I went on an impromptu date. It was just too nice not to take advantage of the weather. We headed to Portsmouth and walked around - poking in and out of shops that I can't go into when I have the boys. I saw many cool tea goodies that I'd love to send to a Tea Swap partner so I hope there's a Tea Swap 3. I saw Portsmouth Tea tins for the first time. I had no idea we had a local tea company.

To top off the night, my husband and I went to a local cafe and had unbelievable chocolate desserts and hot drinks. It was a great date.