Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This poor Hairy Woodpecker was at the feeder off and on all morning. It was not fit for man nor beast outside today as the Nor'Easter pelted us with snow all day. We don't often see the Hairy Woodpecker. He seems much more shy than his friend, the Downy Woodpecker. I was able to snap a few photos but I wasn't actually going to go outside to try to get a better one.

I've been waiting for a large order from KnitPicks and when I checked the UPS website this morning it said my package was out for delivery. I wasn't holding my breath because of the storm but I did hold out a little hope. Sadly, when I just checked the website again I got this message: THE PACKAGE IS DELAYED DUE TO EMERGENCY CONDITIONS BEYOND UPS' CONTROL. I'm sure my package will be delivered tomorrow instead and there's nothing in it that I can't wait another day for but I'm pouting like a three year old.

I have so much to be thankful for - my husband stayed home today and worked from here instead of driving in terrible conditions, my boys all went out to play in the snow, husband picked up a treat for me for Valentine's Day and made waffles for breakfast, we have heat and electricity (knock on wood for that) and plenty to eat, we have a beautiful fire going in the fireplace and roast chicken in the oven. It's a good day even without my package.