Friday, February 16, 2007

Project Spectrum cast

Adam's new cast

It's just been one of those kind of weeks. It started last weekend with two full days of Scout events. It's not that the events weren't fun but by the end of the weekend I was bone tired. On Monday morning we left the house bright and early to go skiing. I don't ski - I CAN ski but I choose not to - but the boys and my husband have been taking lessons and skiing on Mondays. Everyone wanted me to come with them so I could watch, take pictures and help out with the younger boys in the lodge. The day went fine, the boys were thrilled to have me there, and I managed to get in a good bit of knitting. My oldest son hurt his arm while snowboarding but he seemed fine so we plied him with Advil and an ace bandage and continued on.

Tuesday was a catch up day. I was trying to get everything done that I hadn't gotten done over the weekend and Monday. I also had a dentist appointment in the afternoon and my oldest son's Court of Honor for Boy Scouts that evening. Wednesday brought the Nor'Easter. We had a pleasant day at home and I was so grateful not to lose power. Yesterday I was up early because my middle son had his first orthodontist appointment in preparation for getting his braces next week. As I was checking email and drinking my morning tea the oldest son came to show me his "sprained wrist" from Monday. I could tell right away that this was not a sprain and spent the next couple of hours getting him set up with an orthopedic appointment. It turns out that oldest son broke his radius in that snowboarding fall on Monday. Finally, by 2:00 yesterday we had finished with the orthodontist, the orthopedist, the lab (for my bloodwork), and two separate trips to Target (oldest son's long sleeve shirts don't fit over the cast). I was so tired last night I just wanted to cry.

Today is another catch up day. I've got the laundry started and the boys moving. I need to clean the downstairs of the house and keep the boys going with schoolwork. I don't want to spend the weekend doing chores that could be done today. I'm looking forward to a productive day.