Monday, November 05, 2007


Main Entry:
1 a: being, living, or going alone or without companions b: saddened by isolation
2: unfrequented, desolate
3 a: taken, passed, or performed without companions b: keeping a prisoner apart from others
4: being at once single and isolated
5 a: occurring singly and not as part of a group or cluster b: not gregarious, colonial, social, or compound
synonyms see alone

And so it was that on Friday afternoon I found myself all alone in my husband's car making the drive to Vermont. A homeschooling mother alone; all my myself for three (or more) hours in the car. I had girlfriends joining me in Vermont but when they said they couldn't leave until much later in the day I decided to make the drive by myself so I could enjoy the drive in the daylight.

I made a couple of brief stops along the way to pick up supplies and nourishment and I listened to music on the cd player but mostly I enjoyed my solitary drive and the quiet opportunity it provided me. I savored every single minute of my solitude. The view outside my windows was beautiful and I often let out an audible sigh at the simple beauty of a November mountainside.

My girlfriends arrived later in the evening and we had a fantastic weekend filled with LOTS of food, a good amount of wine, movie watching, knitting, playing silly games and shopping. We slept little and laughed often. When the weekend was over and it was time to head home, one of my girlfriends offered to make the drive home with me. I suggested she remain with our other friend and I made the trip home alone. The solitary drive made it easier to reenter my busy, loud house filled with boys.

While in Vermont, I managed to finish one solitary Green Monster Rally Monkey sock.

Solitary monkey

The Dream in Color Smooshy really is a dream to work with. This color is named Happy Forest. How apt to be knitting some Happy Forest while in the Green Mountains of Vermont.

Monkey toe

When I came home I found that Mr. Baseball had cleaned out the garden of all the debris. It was a terribly disappointing harvest for us this year. I don't know if I planted too late or if we had too much rain in the Spring or if the garden didn't get enough sunshine but we had very, very few vegetables. Amongst all the garden debris, Mr. Baseball found this one solitary pepper and put it on the deck railing where I found it this morning.

Solitary pepper